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Regulating a piano is a needed process in which we perform periodic adjustments to bring it back to the manufacturer’s specifications. This process should especially be done during the first six months to two years of a piano’s life, depending on use. Due to settling and compacting of numerous cloth and felt parts, as well as seasonal changes in humidity, the piano’s action (key and hammer mechanism) requires it.
If regulation is not done, the piano may wear poorly for the rest of its life. After that, small amounts of regulating every few years will probably suffice for most pianos in home situations. Professional pianos need more complete service at more frequent intervals.


Pianos also need other kinds of service. Within limited parameters, the tone of a piano can be adjusted by hardening or softening the hammers, a process called voicing. Voicing is performed to compensate for the compacting and wear of hammer felt (which causes the tone to become too bright and harsh), or to accommodate the musical tastes of the player.
Voicing should be done whenever the piano’s tone is no longer to your liking. However, most piano owners will find that simply tuning the piano will greatly improve the tone, and that voicing may not be needed very often.